Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Starting the Journey

Greetings from the Christmas City!  As you may have gathered, this page is my way of sharing with the currently hypothetical "you" everything that I have discovered in Bethlehem, PA.  To help understand why I chose this town of 75,000 people and one over-sized Christmas star for the topic of my blog, I'll share some of my story.

Last week I celebrated my 1 year anniversary of living in South Bethlehem, and in that time managed to develop a reputation among my co-workers as a South Side addict.  I grew up only a couple of hours from Bethlehem in York, PA but had never spent more than a weekend in this area.  After 12 months, I have come to love the festivals, restaurants, entertainment, and residents of this quirky town.  Most recently, I lived in Nashville, TN and, to be honest I was pretty hesitant about what the Lehigh Valley would have to offer.  However, my friends joke that it was fate for me to end up in Bethlehem given my affinity for elf culture and the Christmas holiday.  I thought I was pretty intense, but this city puts me to shame...I guess I'll have to kick it up a notch or two this year.  I work in higher education, so the majority of my life is spent with a group of people that often miss out on some of the greatest parts of the city.  While I hope to provide a resource to residents and visitors alike, maybe I can help the students find some new favorites as well.      

I realize there are certainly a number of people who already write about all of the fun goings-on of the Lehigh Valley, but I wanted to make sure there was a place in the blogosphere specifically dedicated to the exploration of this unique little city.  Not to take anything away from Easton, Allentown, Emmaus, Nazareth, Quakertown, Coopersburg, Hellertown or any of the other various locales within the Valley; but I will own my bias and be writing solely about the city with the steel stacks.  I look forward to some amazing adventures and I hope you'll join in the conversation as I share some of my favorite spots. Please, feel free to make some recommendations of your own gotta-see's or must-try's so that we can capture it all. 


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